Backcountry Campsites
Remote shelters and campsites in the White Mountains and Mahoosuc Range
Campsites are first-come, first-served, and cannot be reserved. Groups are asked to use the Group Notification System and notify us of your plans at least two weeks in advance.
AMC backcountry campsites are dog friendly, keeping in mind dogs are not allowed in the shelters but are welcome at the platforms as long as they are leashed or under voice command. Please make sure your dog's waste makes its way into the privy to be composted. Ask the caretaker for a shovel if needed.
View all backcountry campsites and shelters in the White Mountain National Forest on the Forest Service website.
Location: On the AT, between Mount Wolf and South Kinsman, on Kinsman Ridge Trail
Accommodations: Communal Adirondack Shelter, four hardened tent pads, composting outhouse, dishwashing area, metal food boxes for bear protection
Caretaker Fee: No fee, visited by roving caretaker
Water Source: Eliza Brook
Location: On Kinsman Pond Trail, near Junction of Kinsman Ridge Trail (AT) and the Fishin’ Jimmy Trail
Accommodations: Communal Adirondack Shelter, 1 shared group platform (3 – 5 tents), 3 small shared platforms (2 tents), composting outhouse, dishwashing area, metal food boxes for bear protection
Caretaker Fee: Yes, $15/person/night
Water Source: Kinsman Pond
Location: On Liberty Springs Trail (AT) in Franconia Ridge area, near Pemigewasset Wilderness Area
Accommodations: No shelter, seven small shared platforms (2 tents), three shared group platforms (3 – 5 tents), composting outhouse, dishwashing area, metal food boxes for bear protection
Caretaker Fee: Yes, $15/person/night
Water Source: Spring
Location: On Garfield Ridge Trail (AT), below summit of Mount Garfield, near Pemigewasset Wilderness Area
Accommodations: Communal Adirondack Shelter, two small platforms (2 tents), five shared group platforms (3 – 5 tents), composting outhouse, dishwashing area, metal food boxes for bear protection
Caretaker Fee: Yes, $15/person/night
Water Source: Spring
Location: In Pemigewasset Wilderness Area; junction of Franconia Brook Trail, Lincoln Brook Trail, and Twin Brook Trail
Accommodations: 9 small shared pads, composting outhouse, dishwashing area, metal food boxes for bear protection
Caretaker Fee: Yes, $15/person/night
Water Source: Franconia Brook
Location: Off Bondcliff Trail, between Mount Guyot and Mount Bond, near Pemigewasset Wilderness Area
Accommodations: Communal Mahoosuc Shelter, four small shared platforms (2 tents), two shared group platforms, (3 – 5 tents) composting outhouse, dishwashing area, metal food boxes for bear protection
Caretaker Fee: Yes, $15/person/night
Water Source: Spring
Location: Off Ethan Pond Trail (AT), just beyond Crawford Notch State Park, near Pemigewasset Wilderness Area
Accommodations: Communal Adirondack Shelter, three small shared platforms (2 tents), two shared group platforms (3 – 5 tents), composting outhouse, dishwashing area, metal food boxes for bear protection
Caretaker Fee: Yes, $15/person/night
Water Source: Ethan Pond
Location: Beside Mizpah Spring Hut, on edge of Dry River Wilderness Area, in southern Presidential Range
Accommodations:No shelter, five small shared platforms (2 tents), two group shared platforms (3 – 5 tents), composting outhouse, dishwashing area, metal food boxes for bear protection
Caretaker Fee: Yes, $15/person/night
Water Source: Stream
Location: Off Carter-Moriah Trail (AT), between North Carter and Mount Moriah
Accommodations: Communal Mahoosuc Shelter, four small shared platforms (2 tents), one shared group platform (3 – 5 tents), composting outhouse, dishwashing area, metal food boxes for bear protection
Caretaker Fee: Yes, $15/person/night
Water Source: Brook
Location: Off Mahoosuc Trail (AT) in southern Mahoosuc Range
Accommodations: No shelter, four shared tent pads, composting outhouse, metal food boxes for bear protection
Caretaker Fee: No fee, composting done by Mahoosuc Rover
Water Source: Intermittent stream
Location: At junction of Mahoosuc Trail (AT) and Austin Brook Trail
Accommodations: Communal Mahoosuc Shelter, three small shared platforms (2 tents), one group shared platform (3 – 5 tents), composting outhouse, metal food boxes for bear protection
Caretaker Fee:No fee, composting done by Mahoosuc Rover
Water Source: Gentian Pond
Location: On Carlo Col Trail, below Mahoosuc Trail (AT)
Accommodations: Communal Mahoosuc Shelter, three small shared platforms (2 tents), two group shared platforms (3 – 5 tents), composting outhouse, metal food boxes for bear protection
Caretaker Fee: No fee, composting done by Mahoosuc Rover
Water Source: Stream
Location: On Mahoosuc Trail (AT), between Goose Eye Mountain and Fulling Mill Mountain
Accommodations: Communal Adirondack Shelter, three small shared platforms (2 tents), one shared group platform (3 – 5 tents), composting outhouse, metal food boxes for bear protection
Caretaker Fee: No fee, composting done by Mahoosuc Rover
Water Source: Stream
Location: At northern end of Mahoosuc Range, where Speck Pond Trail meets Mahoosuc Trail (AT)
Accommodations: Communal Adirondack Shelter, three small shared platforms (2 tents), three shared group platforms (3 -5 tents), composting outhouse, dishwashing area, metal food boxes for bear protection
Caretaker Fee: Yes, $15/person/night
Water Source: Stream
* shelter: site with a three-sided lean-to and no designated tenting area.
tentsite: site with just tent platforms or pads in designated area and no shelter/lean-to.
campsite: site with both shelter/lean-to and tent platforms or pads in designated area.
** Regardless of the source, remember to boil, filter, or chemically purify water before use.
Group Notification System
If you plan to lead a trip with six or more people and are affiliated with an organization (such as a summer camp, Boy Scouts of America, or a college outing club, etc.), let us know the following information. The Group Notification System is not a reservation. Our campsites are first-come, first serve.